Goals are hard to achieve if they're (1) unrealistic (2) not written down and (3) if you have no game plan. Goals are a long process and they don't happen overnight. You must stay patient and never give up. There will be plenty of times you fail but the battle is to continue fighting for what you want to achieve. Whenever I write out my goals, I like to create a step by step plan as to how I am going to achieve them. For example, this year I plan to apply to occupational therapy school. In order for me to do that, I must complete my classes in time, make sure I have more than enough volunteer hours, study and plan on when I'm going to take the GRE and make my application the best-looking application anyone has ever seen.
Goals are like a slow and long climb up a 100 story building. You climb and climb until there's an obstacle in your way. Either you let that obstacle defeat you or you toughen up, kick that obstacles butt and continue your journey forward. There will be so many different obstacles that fall into your path but it is all about the end result. Never give up on what you want in life because anything is possible as long as you put your heart, time and soul into it ❤️.
Now before I continue my blog post I'd love to know what your goals are this year. No matter how big or small your goal is, go ahead and leave your goals in the comment section below.
- Schedule myself some downtime to read a book, meditate, knit, light a candle - take some time to do something I love each day.
- Prioritize my health. Continue being pescatarian and avoid all dairy.
- Find exercises that work for me. I'm planning on following the BBG workout craze.
- Focus on finding happiness by laughing a little more, giving a little more and caring a little less.
- MORE SELF-LOVE. Accept who I am as a person and to never compare myself to anyone.
- Apply to occupational therapy school. Work now, play later.
- Blog at least once a week. I truly love creating content that can relate to others.
- Step outside of my comfort zone and explore the world more.
- Keep a tidy environment.When your environment is clear your mind is clear. Marie Kondo, here I come!
- Find amazing recipes and learn how to utilize spices in my foods.
- Save money. Whether it's for school, vacations or for any big future life events.
XO, Nessa