October 30, 2014

Where've you been?

Hello again. I've been gone for quite some time now and well i've been meaning to blog but I keep forgetting to. I am now back at college for my last year and I can't believe that this is it. That this is my last year of college (for now)! Time really does fly by!
So far this semester has been great. I'm actually doing well in school for once and I am so in love with life right now. This semesters golf season was a bit of a struggle for me especially during the first couple of tournaments I struggled (HARD) and I've gotten so frustrated that I wanted to throw my clubs off of a cliff or something. There were a lot of tears that have been shed but I pulled my head out of my ass and pulled my crap together. As a team however, we did a fantastic job. Out of 5 tournaments we only lost to 6 teams! Not to mention we also won a big tournament where we beat a top 40 ranked school. This season has left me with very high hopes for next semester.

Now on to my life... life is great and I couldn't ask for anything more. Like always everybody is constantly growing and changing and I know that I have done my fair share this semester. My first couple of years in college all I could think about is partying, partying, and partying. As of now i'd rather lay in bed and watch netflix or sit in a living room where i'd talk about life, laugh at jokes and just enjoy quality time with great friends. I enjoy being a grandma and I don't find any amusement behind getting intoxicated, going to a party and talking to strangers that i'd probably never want to encounter again. Not to mention I probably won't remember what all i've mentioned to them.
Besides that, i'd like to say that I am completely in love. I love spending time with him and i'm not even an ounce tired of him yet. I am forever thankful that I have met someone as caring, funny, understanding and down to earth as him. I fall in love with him more and more every day and I don't see myself ever stopping.

That's all for now. Happy Halloween and be safe with all of your festivities.
(below are random photos that i've taken throughout the semester)

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